Pre-K to 2nd Grade

  • Brightly Storytime: Storytime read-alouds, organized by age and topic.
  • My Baby Fingers – ASL Videos: Sign language videos and resources.
  • PBS Parents: A wide range of activities that you can filter by age, topic, and show. Also includes links to kids shows to view online.
  • Reading Rockets: A national public media literacy initiative offering information and resources on how young kids learn to read, why so many struggle, and how caring adults can help.
  • Relaxation Script: A muscle-relaxing script that you can read to kids from the University of Washington (PDF).
  • Scholastic Storybook Treasures: Scholastic books read aloud and paired with animations, available in multiple languages (YouTube channel).
  • Super Simple Songs: A collection of kids songs paired with animated videos. Their site also includes printables, crafts, and more.
  • Talking is Teaching (English) / (Spanish): An indoors activities kit with ten ways to talk, read, sing, and play your way through the day (PDF).
603.763.5513  603.763.8765 (fax)
Mail to:  PO Box 314, Sunapee, NH 03782


11 Soonipi Circle, Sunapee, NH 03782

Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9 AM to 6 PM

Tuesday & Thursday 9 AM to 7 PM

Saturday 9 AM to 3 PM